Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Le me...

Interest - ESP (Eat, Sleep, Play)....Avid gamer, food addict, sports fan/player, music lover, movie goer and ACG/Japan Otaku!!

Dreams- Make a world a better place...

Aspirations- To be an Iconic role model/example through contributions, education, awareness and most importantly having F~UN

Family Condition: Best family any boy/girl would have...If I only learned how to cherish them more...

3 experiences making the most:
 -Got a B grade for Chinese language paper(most dreadful paper of them all) during middle school exams
-Cosplaying, events and volunteering
- Hanging out with friends and family during rare occasions(Gatherings, Open Houses)

Ten most important given Circumstances -
1) Height
2) Knowledge
3) Be influential
4) Travelling.
5) Singing
6) Acting
7) Enjoy the company of music...Eastern music rocks my soul
8) Do the best, beat myself...
 9) Collect more of my "waifu"
10) Always an adventurer of challenges, events, goals, achievements and if with God's Will...Victory

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