Thursday, October 4, 2012

MCS Tutorial 2 (Answer any 3 questions) (4/10/12)

2) What is media concentration and conglomeration? How are they similar or different to each other?
Media Concentration:- Concentration of media ownership, also known as media consolidation
- Individuals/Organizations control increasing shares of mass media.

Media Conglomeration: -Company owning large number of companies in various mass media.

Similarities: 1)Run by the owners
2) Revenue/Profit rises, Money making
3)Companies "swallow" each other to grow
4) Caused by economy downsized

6) What are the economic forces that helped to make television "newsmagazines" "games shows" and "reality" programming such a prominent part of the network prime-time schedule?
-Social Culture

Ethics: Target age groups, sex, and etc
Technology: Game shows(3D animations, Editing, Photoshop)

8) What role are advertisements likely to play in the evolving world of cyberspace? What role do advertisements play on the Internet today?

-Enable revenue from the internet
-Get in the trend of the current technology
-Attract internet users to promote their product/service/etc..

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